Yes!!! Love's Yearning, the Prologue of the Marguerite Series, is finally up on Amazon!
Click the picture to go there. Please buy one and review it. I really wanna hear what you think. But ...
People who have read it pre-pub say it's better to start with Part One, Love's Challenge, before reading the Prologue. I dunno, something about the Prologue being really dark. Yeah, it's kinda gory in parts, but it ends on an upbeat curve. Sometimes things have to get really dark before they can turn around.
Click the picture to go there. Please buy one and review it. I really wanna hear what you think. But ...
People who have read it pre-pub say it's better to start with Part One, Love's Challenge, before reading the Prologue. I dunno, something about the Prologue being really dark. Yeah, it's kinda gory in parts, but it ends on an upbeat curve. Sometimes things have to get really dark before they can turn around.